March 2024 Meeting Minutes
Roll Call
Call meeting to order - Jolene - 4:05pm
2nd by Thomas
Reviewing of minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve meeting minutes - Jolene
2nd by Thomas
How long will the funds being tied up for the CADAR?
Drainage for the main park
Is going to additional quotes
Gazebo quotes
Is going to continue to get quotes and add to next years budget
Waive lot 192 fee for lights
Motion to waive Lot 192 fee for lighting of $25.00
2nd by Jolene
Draft a letter on how to pay their annual dues and a description of how to pay
Theresa is going to draft letter
And email instruction on how to pay
Unfinished Business:
Letter to Lot - Dishon for Clean-up
Bid - $604.45
Theresa is going to contact the attorney, and let us know how to proceed
Motion to approve the bid of $604.00 by Jolene
2nd by Thomas
New Fine/Collection Policy
Should also go on the Facebook, mailer
Consistency to the process
We will approve the letter first
Then approve the new fine/collection policy
Apamila’s Landscaping
Quote for Leyland cypress
PJ does not recommend due to issues of this type, will recommend a maple instead
Quote for update to plants in center planter strip up main 258th St
PJ motion to pay for shrub replacement with reserves, Jolene second
Tract G quote from Apamila for replacement of Arborvitae
Maple Hills Supplemental Declaration
Tree Replacement of dead trees
Lennar Tree Maintenance and cleanup
Fence Staining
Contractor account created @ Covington store
New Business:
Invite Brookfield to our next meeting
They can present the signage at the meeting next month
Roma Meadows
Theresa is going to draft a certified email to Roma Meadows regarding the trees and its danger
Roma Meadows
Theresa to send certified letter to Roma Meadows formally notifying of potentially dangerous trees
PJ question: do we notify potentially impacted homeowners
Theresa to contact homeowners to notify them their addresses to
$41.29 approve for reimbursement of PJ to beautifying the neighborhood by Jolene
2nd by Thomas
Questions for the City
Add to next month agenda
Formally invite City Council & Brookfield
City Council - ask about holding Lennar accountable
Bookefield - let them explain to community changes (no pickleball court, water facility, wanting signage at entrance)
BOD to outline to community that due to changes it means there will need to be another vote due to change in what was presented to the community
Potential impact: if community opts against, then Maple Hills 5 establishes their own HOA and will access via Maple Hills (public roads anyway)
Sherwin Williams
Contractor account created @ Covington store
To send message on FB group page notifying
Planter strip guidelines
Planter strip guidelines - do we want to establish planter strip guidelines?
Discussion at next meeting with homeowners to also cover fake grass conversation
Schedule 2nd follow up HOA Meeting on March 28th
260th & 208th - Thomas is going to reach out to our neighbor
Water retention pond
Lennar Bond
Question for the city: If the parks are going to be managed by the LakePointe HOA, what prevents them from requiring access to others?
Theresa is going to reach out to the city to see if they can attend
Adjourn Meeting
Motion to adjourn at 6:36 by Jolene
2nd by Thomas