Greetings from the Maple Hills Homeowners’ Association Board. As HOA board members, we are neighbors and homeowners just like most of you and were recently selected to serve everyone in the association. We are dedicated to do all we can to help Maple Hills be an attractive, harmonious, and safe place for us all to live.
Board Meetings:
Monthly board meetings are newly scheduled for the second Thursday of each month. They are held to address general community business and issues, which may include landscaping reports, new budgets, water usage summaries, and comparisons between current finances and the original budget, among other operational concerns. Please notify the board if you would like to attend any of the monthly board meetings. Homeowners will be notified in advance of other important meetings.
All homeowners are requested to attend the annual meeting normally held in November. Homeowners will be notified in advance.
Closed or executive meetings only include the board of directors and management company. The board can also choose to invite homeowners who require individual attention. These sessions may involve sensitive issues like receiving legal advice from an attorney, considering litigation, discussing sensitive information about members or contractors, as well as complaints, and discussing member appeals of violations or penalties.