June 2024 Meeting Minutes

Maple Hills HOA BOD Meeting


4:04pm - PJ moved to start the meeting, Jolene seconded

Reviewed financial report

● Confirmed annual intake from dues (241 units x $650/year) and $30,950 goes into reserves, average $10,564/month in expenses

CDAR discussion

● Theresa to follow up with auditor on what HOA can be maxed out on for interest accrual

● Jolene recommending HOA do a split CDAR with $20,000 in a 26 week CDAR (APY 5%) and $20,000 in a 52 week CDAR (APY 4.75%), pending confirmation from auditor on amount we need to stay under for interest accrual

BOD agrees with attorney’s recommendation to proceed with $200/month for Lot

Review of aging accounts

  • Request Theresa send an email directly from her WPM email to those who are <$200 flagging their overdue amount

Brookfield Maple Hills 5 division

  • How do we track the separate additional fee for homes in that division to manage?

  • There will be a separate supplemental declaration added to the CC&Rs for those homes

  • Review of summary from Erik on Final Plat review - confirmed MH5

  • Fence Repair - Theresa has followed up with them twice since end of May


● Flag from Lennar need to review state of trees in T201, T200, SA1, T1

SE 260th - update from Real Estate attorney, need more information, Thomas to check with King County for the records

ACC form & new fine fee - letter to be sent out 6/14/24

Lot - quote received for cleaning, Theresa will coordinate with police for a date for them to come by

Faucet at main park for landscaper (herbicide, etc), lock to be added

MH5 tracts - is it possible to have the tracts in MH5 named differently to better be able to keep track of the different ones? (prevent duplication of Tract names)

Dead trees:

  • Green City (Andrew F) 425-753-1337: evergreen behind Thomas

  • Western Landscaping: Tract G (2)

Fence staining bid received $3,046.40 - not technically in budget, Theresa to check with reserve analyst to confirm if “Repair/replace” can be used to help maintain

Review recent ACC requests

Lot 17 - provided record of approved white trash can screen approved by previous property management company, J&M, in 2019. BOD agrees to acknowledge this screen has been approved.

Red stains on fence

Robbie, PJ, Thomas, and Jolene met 6/8 to review options for artificial turf - Robbie from ACC committee drafting guidelines for landscaping options

Next drive through 6/17

Meeting adjourned 6:07pm by Jolene

2nd by PJ


July 2024 Meeting Minutes


May 2024 Meeting Minutes