July 2024 Meeting Minutes
BOD Meeting with Ben @ City of Covington
Brookfield - challenging to work with. Had similar issues with Oakpointe prior, felt like weren’t showing
Pushing for certain steps far in advance of when needed
Process governed by development process & planned action agreement that maps out timeline, amenities, etc.
How far out from plat recording,
On final plat, because storm pond is not on original property
Covington storm water pond design deviation - if storm water design
Didn’t want another pond at the bottom of hill
Get master plan, find verbiage
Ben will send link and send webpage
MH3 easement & pipe access
Open Meeting with Homeowners
5:03 meeting called to order
Review Meeting Minutes - PJ moved to approve, Thomas second
Review budget - Thomas noting majority of the operating budget usually spent in 2nd half; Legal costs - a lot is Brookfield
Kelly Jung intro, new MH manager
Violation messaging update
BOD is reviewing
Aging accounts review
Concerns of Maple Hills 5
BOD had meeting with City of Covington and learned details on the development, concerns on storm water ponds
Review options on what the community wants to do
Homeowners agree, don’t see value in incorporating MH5
Landscaping budget
Faucet @ main park
L100 clearing
Q: Will missing trees be replaced?
Yes, when we get into fall when it’s ideal to plant and increases the chance of viability
Q: Will homeowners be notified in advance if/when sidewalks and driveway access is repaved?
Depends on how well Lennar communicates - tends to not be
Q: Will HOA be staining the backside of the fence on 260th?
A: Staining & maintenance is the responsibility of homeowners
Artificial turf option being provided
36 votes Large majority of those who voted (33) were in support, 2 indifferent, 1 opposed
Q: if can use DIY option via Costco
A: no, due to mixed feedback and to ensure quality, will stick with the BOD approved options via 2 different vendors
260th St - the gate is gone, are we able to drive down by the water tower now?
Please do not drive on the road, the HOA might be responsible for maintenance if we do
260th is technically private road because it runs through private property
Next drive 7/17
6:18pm HOA open meeting adjourned