January 2024 Meeting Minutes

Homeowner Forum

Romney - Mole digging on the new grass in Tract G


Roll Call

  Motion to call meeting to order by PJ 4:05pom

2nd by Thomas

Reviewing of minutes of last meeting

Motion to approve by Jolene

2nd by Thomas

Improvements for the neighborhood, how do they work

Reserve Study


Reports of committees

Unfinished Business:


Waiving of late fees?

Garbage Can installation at Main Park

She called them last week and they are going to call them back

Maple Hills Supplemental Declaration

Hector cleaning up around the baby park

Tree Replacement of dead trees

Replacement of the tree at the entrance

Replacement of the two dead trees at Tract G (Look at the drainage in that area prior to planting)

Theresa has someone to come look at the drainage (next week)

Fence Staining

Recommend doing both sides

Color match - covered bridge

Theresa has a contact for Sherman Williams and is going to look at opening an account

New Business:

Naming of Parks

Lennar Tree Maintenance

Motion to Adjourn by Jolene 4:44pm

2nd by Thomas


February 2024 Meeting Minutes


December 2023 Meeting Minutes