December 2023 Meeting Minutes
December 2023 HOA Meeting
Trees Replaced Completed - 11/29/23
Motion open the meeting at 4:03pm by Jonathan Valdez
2nd by Thomas Grissom
Reviewing of minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve by Jolene
2nd by Thomas
Improvements for the neighborhood, how do they work
Reserves are strictly for repairs and mitigation
Reserve Study
Theresa is going to email the Reserve study to the new members
Thomas is going to post the Reserve Study on the Website with the understanding of
CD investment - 3, 6, 9, 12 rolling funds (Theresa is going to look at current fees)
Unfinished Business:
Trim and shape the green space on SE 259th St and 203rd Ave SE - Completed
Trim Trees from the sidewalk and street on 208th Ave SE and SE 259th Ct - Completed
Check irrigation along SE 258 Pl, where there is a brown patch
Give us a quote to extend irrigation along 259th Ct - March 2024
Trim the rock wall along 259th Ct as weekly maintenance
Give us a quote to trim the blackberry bushes along the fence line in T201, along SE 259th St (Also, give us a yearly quote to add this to our budget) - Completed - September 16th
Thomas is going to speak with Hector regarding replacing the entrance tree
Also, speak with him regarding the new trash can
$503.00 - Invoice Number 2489
Waiving of late fees
Motion to remove Lot 115 late fees of 112/39 for James and Mildred Patton by Jolene B
2nd by Thomas
Garbage Can installation at Main Park
Garbage Can Ordered
Update with lawyer
*Update Certified Mail, Regular Mail*
Section 6.11 Owners’ Maintenance Responsibilities. The maintenance, upkeep, and repair of individual Lots and homes shall be the sole responsibility of the individual Owners thereof, and in no way shall it be the responsibility of the Association, its agents, officers or directors. Owners shall maintain their Lots and homes in good repair and in a clean, sightly, and sanitary condition at all times. Without limitation as to the foregoing, each Owner shall be obligated to keep his Lot and home in a clean, sightly and sanitary condition and maintain the landscaping on his Lot in a healthy and attractive state and in a manner comparable to that on the other Lots in Maple Hills. No storage of firewood shall be permitted in front yards. After thirty (30) days’ written notice to an Owner from the Association of such Owner’s failure to so maintain his home or Lot, and after approval by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the Board, the Association shall have the right, through its agents and employees, to enter upon any Lot which has been found to violate the foregoing standards in order to restore the home or Lot to such standards. The cost of such work shall be a special assessment on such Owner and his Lot only.
Fence Staining
Jolene is going to look into different stain types
New Maple Hills Drive-by Sheet
Next Drive by is December 29th
Review of the Budget
Can we add to the reserves to add to the community?
Follow up on changes from playground to pickleball court
Theresa is going to reach out to see if this is possible
New Business:
Windermere dropping Tall Timbers
They didn't want to follow their rules, including the Board
Windermere Contract Renewal
How long is our contract, and when is it renewed?
Renews every fiscal year - 01/01/24
Violation notification process
Drive through at the end of the month, what happens next (how and when are homeowners notified of violations?)
Drive by fines
2-days after the drive through excluding weekends
Account notices get mailed out the 1st of the month excluding weekends
Board Position
Jolene - Administration
Jonathan - Treasure
Review new fine structure
Fine Structure is attached to the meeting agenda
We are going to review and speak at next meeting
Email committee letters of acceptance
ACC Committee mailers:
Robert Lowery
Mark Nagamatsu
CCR Section 7.6 & SE 260th St.
Jolene is going to forward her information to Theresa, Theresa is going to look into this
Section 7.6 Maintenance of SE 260th Street. The Final Plat and the Assignment recorded under King County recording no. 20150728001777 obligate the Association to maintain the road known as SE 260th St., SE 262nd St and 206th Ave SE located in Covington, Washington (“SE 260th Street”). The Association shall maintain SE 260th Street in the condition required by the City of Covington and consistent with the obligations set forth in the maintenance agreement recorded under King County recording number 9006280756. The Association shall take any action necessary or appropriate to the maintenance and upkeep of SE 260th Street and, for purposes of the maintenance thereof and this Declaration, SE 260th Street shall be deemed a Common Area.
Adopt a Street Clean up SE, 204th
Sunday, April 21st, 2024
Theresa is going to send an email flyer
Next Meeting
2nd Thursday of every Month
January 11, 2024 at 4:00pm
Jolene Motions to Adjourn - 5:31pm
PJ 2nd