September 2023 Meeting Minutes
Motion to order:
Thomas - 4:03pm - September 25, 2023
Dave - 2nd
Motion to approve July and August Meeting Minutes by Lincoln
Thomas - 2nd
GL4530 - Motion to take fund of out the reserve account in the amount of $35,670.77 by Thomas
Lincoln - 2nd
Unfinished Business:
Added Ballots:
Lot 89
Lot 236
Saturday the 16th: Tract T-201 was cleared
Trim and shape the green space on SE 259th St and 203rd Ave SE - Completed
Trim Trees from the sidewalk and street on 208th Ave SE and SE 259th Ct - Completed
Check irrigation along SE 258 Pl, where there is a brown patch
Give us a quote to extend irrigation along 259th Ct
Trim the rock wall along 259th Ct as weekly maintenance
Give us a quote to trim the blackberry bushes along the fence line in T201, along SE 259th St (Also, give us a yearly quote to add this to our budget) - Completed - September 16th
Get quote to trim necessary trees on the planter strips through the neighborhood
Rules and Regulations
Move to Erik to review
Landscape, design and maintenance Committee
John Wilkson
Enter at your own risk sign has been ordered by Dave
Motion to approve sign for Enter and your Own Risk sign of - $23.93
2nd by Lincoln
Along 204th - Lots 202, 204, 205
Are there utilities under the bark?
Is the homeowner property?
*Theresa is going to contact the city to see this area is an easement
Trash Can - Thomas to get ordered
Trim Trees in 259th Ct
City request to trim trees
Senske, spray for tent caterpillars on the South side of the entrance?
Theresa is going to look for another company
Board of directors is going be at the park to pick up ballots this week for Maple Hills V
Dead trees at the entrance and Tract G
Theresa is going to contract the tree guy
New Business:
Thomas motions to approve the Insurance Renewal ensuring to remove the gate charge and no additional fencing cost
2nd by Lincoln
Theresa is going to ask about trucks using the neighbor when there is a clear marked sign to use 260th along 204th street
Holiday lights need to be address
Notice to homeowner regarding Christmas lights put up to early?
Added to rules and regulations
Dogs barking:
Send letter of concern
20316 SE 259th St
20628 SE 256th St
Yard dumping:
Homes along the fence and the water tower
HOA website
Motion to reimbursed Thomas for the HOA website in the amount of $202.78 for Square Space
Theresa will reach out to Lincoln for a 2nd
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:07pm by Thomas
2nd by Dave