June 2023 Meeting Minutes

Makeup July 2023 HOA Board Meeting

Monday, August 7, 2023

4:12 PM

Meeting with Attorney Erik Olsen

Expansion Agreement needs to be signed by Dave Jenks (needs Board Approval)

Then signed by lawyers for


Call meeting to order



Confirmed Board Meeting we have 90mins from Windermere




  • May Meeting Minutes approved by Lincoln

    • 2nd by Thomas

  • June Meeting Minutes approved by Lincoln

    • 2nd by Dave


  • On 12/15/2022, the board approved via email to pay City of Covington $24,222.13 Inv # 07/20/22 for new water meter installation out of Reserves.  This is to show approval in Meeting Minutes. 


Budgeting Report


  • Reimbursing operation funds, in the amount $35,670.77 to Western Landscape & Pavers, Inv # 1855 from Reserves  *** The Association only paid $35,670.77 to Western Landscape & Pavers for the remaining amount for the Landscaping for L100 & Tract G outside of the Lennar settlement money. They are separate transactions so we should only be reimbursing the portion that the association is paying for. 


  • We are unable to move the Lennar check to Reserves as it was income from Lennar and coded as Development Settlement Income (GL Code 3477).  The invoice for L100 & Tract G was paid from Landscaping Improvements-Developer (GL Code 4525) both of which are Operating funds.  In addition, the settlement check came in in 2022, and the money was spent in 2023 so it will reflect on the Budget Comparison but is explainable if someone asks.   Also, per the 2022 Audit it references the Deferred Settlement Income.  (see attached)


Unfinished Business


Expansion Agreement for Maple Hills V

Thomas approves the Expansion Agreement

2nd by Lincoln


Backflow Test Received



Tract G and L100 - Western said there were no leaks, but heads were broken

206-468-8000 - Western Landscape Phone Number


L100 - Wednesday, Hectors is going to ruff up the dirt and Thursday, Western is going to re-hydro seed


Schedule a meeting with Western to walk the area


Tree Replacement:

Move forward with revising quote

Move to move forward with the Tree Replacement threw Andrew F by Thomas

2nd by Lincoln


Irrigation quote:

Quote from Hector for irrigation for 259th Pl and 259th Ct


Assessment for irrigation along SE 260th St


Tract K inside the Garrett Loop


Hector Landscaping: (Full increase in payment for landscaping)

Weeding in the main area


Adding the clearing of Blackberry bushes yearly in T201 to the budget (maybe around August 1)



Quote for clearing blackberry bushes

Quote for clearing blackberry at the blue park on 259th Pl


New Business


Dave needs reimbursement for party city in the amount $60.71

Thomas and Lincoln approve reimbursement


Sign from Amazon, Dave is going to purchase and get reimbursed at next meeting

Board Approved


Garage can for the main park should move forward after quote is reviewed

Thomas will email


Postpone doggy bags around the neighborhood


Staining the Fence of R100

Quote for staining Fence of R100


Get a quote for staining the rest of the neighborhood for homes out of compliance

Thomas is going to send the vendor to Theresa


Reviewing the Maple Hills non-compliance letter for next board meeting


Maple Hills Rules and Regulation Review

Parking over the sidewalks - add to the Newsletter


Newsletter Topics:

Reviewed for August/September Newsletter

Lot 43 - 25814 208th Ave SE

ACC request were skipped, may need to replace one of the members

Next HOA Board Meeting - Open - August 28th - 5pm


Motion to Adjourn at 6:21pm

2nd by Dave


June 2023 Meeting Minutes


Construction Notice - Tract G and Main Entrance